Mistura of hazelnuts, cashew nuts, walnuts and amendoins, not roasted.not roasted. The consumption avoids the risk of suffocation in poo avoids the risk of suffocation associated with nuts and whole and whole nuts and seeds.

Why introduce 100% nuts and amendoins early?

Because we cannot avoid allergies, but we can:

  • Eliminate the risk of suffocation thanks to its powdery texture.

  • Provide interesting amounts of fiber and vegetable protein and quality fat.

  • Easily include in the diet a food recommended from 6 months of age by the Pediatric Associations and the WHO.

How to enter?

A few. We recommend that it be during the day, so that you can observe allergy symptoms that may appear in the following two hours.

1st shot

Give 1 colher de chá (3g).

2nd shot

Repeat the same dose of 3g.


1 colher of soup (6g),

once a day, 3 to 4

times per week.

Mistura de avelãs, castanhas cashew nuts, walnuts and almonds moídos en pónot roasted. O consumption in powder avoids the risk of asphyxia associated with nuts and nuts and whole grains.

Consumer ideas

You can include in your refeições

diárias, misturando com:

Fruit purees or salted


Cereal potato

Homemade recipes

Why introduce 100% nuts and amendoins early?

Because we cannot we cannot avoid allergies, but we can we can:

  • Eliminate the risk of suffocation thanks to its powdery texture.
  • Provide interesting amounts of fiber and vegetable protein and quality fat.
  • Easily include in the diet a food recommended from 6 months of age by the Pediatric Associations and the WHO.

How to enter?

A few. We recommend that it be during the day,so that you can observe allergy symptoms that may appear in the following two hours.

Consumer ideas

You can include in your refeições

diárias, misturando com:

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Still have any questions?

We answer the most frequently asked questions

Posso dar ao meu bebé?

If you have more than 6 months and

No allergies to other foods or atopic dermatitis*.

No family history of allergy to nuts and/or amendoins*.

He has already experimented frequently with several foods and has had no allergic reactions.

*In these cases, it is necessary to previously consult the pediatrician or allergist.

When to offer for the first time?

It is preferable that the first consumption of this product be during the day, at bedtime or at night, so that the baby can be observed during the following 2 hours, in case of allergy symptoms. This recommendation applies to nuts as well as to any other allergenic product.

Why mix nuts and seeds?

The similarity between amendoim and nut proteins makes it common for people allergic to amendoim to also be allergic to some nuts. Therefore, it makes sense to introduce amendoim and nuts at the same time. If there is an allergic reaction, the medical study will identify exactly which allergens are responsible.

In addition, combining both in one product makes the consumption of all of them more practical and frequent.

What is the shelf life of this product and how to conserve?

This product has a shelf life of 12 months.

After opening, it should be consumed within 2 months and kept in the refrigerator, well sealed.