Customize your pack as you wish

Do you want to subscribe to a pack created by you and for you?
We bring you our special packs for you to make them as you want.
How? Simply enter any of these packs, add the units of each product you want and choose how often you want to receive it, it's very easy!
Customizable Pack of Jarred MealsCustomizable Pack of Jarred Meals
Precio normal30,93 €

Choose 12 or 24 230g jars that you can customize yourself, mix and match as you like!

26,45 € 26,45
Customizable Pack of Jarred Meals
  • ✓ Flexible, easy and simple
  • ✓ Cancel or pause at any time.

Subscribe to this pack and...

  • 15%

    Save 15%!

  • Calendar

    Decide when you get it

  • Products

    You are assured of its availability

  • Pause or cancel

    Cancel or pause at any time

Customizable Pack PouchesCustomizable Pack Pouches
Precio normal25,35 €

Choose 15 or 30 pouches of 100g that you customize yourself, mix and match as you like!

21,67 € 21,67
Customizable Pack Pouches
  • ✓ Flexible, easy and simple
  • ✓ Cancel or pause at any time.

Subscribe to this pack and...

  • 15%

    Save 15%!

  • Calendar

    Decide when you get it

  • Products

    You are assured of its availability

  • Pause or cancel

    Cancel or pause at any time

Customizable Pack Fruit PacksCustomizable Pack Fruit Packs
Precio normal21,30 €

Choose how many: 12 or 24. Yes, we know there are never enough.

18,26 € 18,26
Customizable Pack Fruit Packs
  • ✓ Flexible, easy and simple
  • ✓ Cancel or pause at any time.

Subscribe to this pack and...

  • 15%

    Save 15%!

  • Calendar

    Decide when you get it

  • Products

    You are assured of its availability

  • Pause or cancel

    Cancel or pause at any time

how does smileat subscription work?
how does smileat subscription work?

Frequently Asked Questions

We tell you honestly: your packs will always be at the best price, always guaranteeing product availability and maximum flexibility.

From your customer account, pause or cancel your subscription whenever you want.

Choose your favorite Smileat packs and how often you want to receive them: every 2, 4 or 6 weeks. On the date you decide your Smileat order will be generated and in 24-48 hours you will have it at home, keeping your pantry always full.

Do you want to make your daily life easier? You can start designing your subscription here.

You can start your subscription here by clicking on the'Subscribe' option in the packs you prefer and choosing the desired frequency (every 2, 4 or 6 weeks). The products you choose will be added to your cart.

In the cart you will see your purchase summary. Click on 'Checkout' and you will be able to fill in the form with your shipping details and proceed to the payment of your first subscription order.

You are free to change or cancel your subscription order at any time before the next subscription order.

Tip: add at least 30€ to your cart and choose the same frequency for all your packs to get free shipping.

If you have any problems with the process, click on this link.

Make your life easier! That's essential, but you'll also get the best price no matter which pack you subscribe to.

Convenience, flexibility and assured availability for your subscription orders.

Whenever you want! The first order arrives within 24-48 hours and the following orders will be generated automatically with the frequency you choose: every 2, 4 or 6 weeks and you will receive them 24-48 hours later.

To activate your subscription you will need to enter a payment method, and this will be done automatically when your subscription order is generated.

For the following orders the operation will be the same: when the order is generated you will receive the payment confirmation.

The first thing you need to know is that our customizable packs are available only and exclusively for subscription. To create or modify it, just go to the tab of each of the packs, add the units you want and choose the frequency with which you want to receive it.

Of course you can pause, modify or cancel your subscription for free at any time by logging into your customer account.

You can easily add new subscription products by logging in to your customer account. Click on'MANAGE SUBSCRIPTIONS' and access the 'Subscriptions' section, there you will see the 'Add product' button.

Search for the product you want to add, select it and add it on a recurring basis (only packs choosing the frequency) or just once to receive it only in your next order.

If you prefer we can help you through the following link.

You can conveniently modify the day you want your subscription order to be generated yourself by logging into your customer account. Click on'MANAGE SUBSCRIPTIONS' and go to 'Your next order' to edit the 'Order date' or any other details. Please note that your order will arrive in 24-48 hours from that date.

If you prefer we can help you through the following link link.

No problem! Follow the guidelines in the "How can I change my subscription renewal date?" section and schedule your next order for the day that suits you best.

Don't worry! It can happen for several reasons: an error in the payment or our website, a card without funds, a field of your subscription that is not complete... But we are here to help you 🙂

Write us through the following link link and we will solve it for you.

You can add a discount code to your subscription packs by logging in to your customer account. Click on'MANAGE SUBSCRIPTIONS' and access the 'Subscriptions' section, then select one of the packs of your subscription and at the bottom you will see the button "Add discount", where you must enter it.

NOTE: Only the discount codes of the points program called "X€ Discount on your next subscription order" and occasionally those that are announced in promotions dedicated to the subscription will be valid for the subscription.

If you prefer we can help you through the following link.

By modifying the renewal date as explained in the previous question, you will be able to delay or advance the order as much as you want.

We don't want you to leave 😥 But if that's what you want, you can cancel your subscription at any time by accessing your customer account here or from the "Dummy icon" located at the top right of the website.

Once there click on'MANAGE SUBSCRIPTIONS' and access the 'Subscriptions' section to see all the packs you are subscribed to. Cancel your subscription to all the packs and that's it!

Of course, you can also write to us through the following link linkwe will do it for you.

Don't worry! It can happen for various reasons: an error in the payment or our website, a card without funds, a field of your subscription that is not complete .... But we are here to help you 🙂

Write to us through our help page, by clicking on the following link link

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